Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh Mother!

I love my mom I really do, but when the UPS man pulled up and dropped off two big boxes I rolled my eyes. I don't making it widely known, but a few years back I moved back in with my mom after she went through a divorce and a number of surgeries. It was much easier to just move in than travel back and forth. Now she has other issues that make it difficult for her to live alone, so I have stuck around to help. Anyway, that is completely beside the point, back to the boxes.

Inside the two big boxes are Garden Patch Grow Boxes. They look like this:

The best deal of course was to get 10. 10!?! Yup my lovely mother got 10 of them. Ugg, according to the website that is enough for a 300 sq foot garden in only a 10’ x 4’ space! That really is enough for an entire new garden. We are going to be doing some preserving this year I think if all goes well.

I have decided to use this as a time to do an experiment though. I am going to plant some veggies in the Grow Boxes and the exact same type of veggie in the bales. See which grows better.

I thought that some vining veggies, like cucumbers, gourds and squashes might due well if I trail them off the deck. That might actually work really well.

I started to move the bales, but some are really heavy. My little mini couldn't quite pull the sled when the bale was in there so I am going to have to rethink moving them. I may not be able to do it with horse power, I might have to use a deer ( John Deere of course).

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